Success creation 


When you’re ready to do something about your state, and get the right information and resources towards it in the right time. Then it means you’re ready to see things change for the better. 
Hoping for things to change will not change things. Praying alone won’t help you either. You must be able to engage all the needed processes to create the live you really want for yourself. 
Before anything can happen or can be created, you must at least have 
1. The resources to make it happen.

2. The right timing to bring it to be.

3. Relationships (based on value and right information) to guide you through and

4. Personal will, capability and zest to see it through. 
Not having a good scale in any of these processes will make things more difficult and frustrating. 

Remember, there’s a right way to get anything done. Lasting and sustained success only comes when you do things right. 
Action plan:

Begin to develop yourself in these four processes in preparation for the new year. 
This is the best time to start planning towards being successful in the new year. 

You cannot be successful if you’re not yourself a success (that means having a success mentality), and you cannot be a success if you don’t know and follow the due process of creating success.  

Harkheindzel Kenny Omiyale





One of the high points of the year for in in the intellectual world has been the giving of the Nobel prizes to exceptional people who have worked really hard and have earned themselves a name as solution providers as well as worthy example of value and standard on a global level. 
In the community I belong to, we use this week to anticipate as well as study the live and research of these great minds and how their work is helping to change the world and make it a better place.
Now one thing struck me in all of these, the people who are interested in these announcements are the change makers. Of course, anyone who hasn’t fine anything worthy of global note shouldn’t expect anything from the awards. 
So here’s the question?

Are you thinking global? Or you’re allowing personal or environmental issues limit you?
News flash!

These people who win these prizes cont come from totally peaceful countries. But they choose to see beyond the moment and risk giving the world a better chance to enjoy, experience and excel as forward thinking and global growth. 
Those who won…and will win these prizes did not start preparing today, or yesterday or last week. Some even started decades ago. 
So the best time to focus on your vision and purpose is NOW. And even when you begin NOW, you must be strategic and intentional about your growth, resources and momentum. 
Think beyond yourself!
That’s the only way to live beyond yourself. 
Harkheindzel Kenny Omiyale



The Twain principle of human response and psychology.


The Twain principle of human response and psychology.
People will always respond to two general things. And once their response can be preempted, then influence can be programmed and you can get them to see things your way. 
This is the secret of influence and transactions.
When I was learning the art of hypnosis from one of the best minds of the world, I realised that its very easy to influence anybody no matter how smart they think they are. It just may take a more careful planning for the more intelligent ones. 
You see, humans will always react the same way to two things. 

1. The things they love and 

2. The things they fear. 
The only issue with this is that, not many people know how to find out what a man really loves or really fears. But once you know how to find it, No man! No spirit! And No entity can exercise unnecessary authority over you. 
It is this twain principle that determines the flow of commerce, sales, and even leadership

Everyone reacts emotionally to these Twain pointers. Even though a few may have learnt how to hide it but if you know where to look, you’ll always find what you seek. 
Many of our choices are made because of the influence or one or both of these triggers. Many of the things we have bought were influenced by this. 
Let me give an example. 

You can buy a dress because of the way it makes you feel. Or because you liked how it looked on someone. Or because spending money on it makes you feel nice. Or because you want to outshine someone else. 
The fact remains that you bought a dress but the reason is driven by the triggers underlaying 
There are businesses that thrive on fear. Eg. Pharmaceutical industries share fear which triggers people to buy their drugs. 
Now, I don’t want to go too deep into this today but I need you to be observant. 
Ask yourself. 
Why do you do what you do daily?
Is it from love or from fear?

Global intellectual Hub of Strategists 

Getting the soul aligned


Getting the soul aligned. 
When it comes to training and coaching, I’ve found out that many people do not live a balanced life even though they want a balanced result with whatever they do.
People don’t take heed to the condition of their soul. All they are concerned about is food, money and…that other one you’re thinking about. 
Once the state of your soul is out of course, you cannot really be balanced with anything. Be it at your job, work, relationship or life purpose. 
And the funny thing is, I noticed people don’t even know how to interact with their souls on a personal level. So their souls get fed with junk from the media and that plots their life paths south. 
I’ve had coaching sessions where the solution to someone’s present state was for him to change the kind of songs he listens to. Imagine how simple that is. (Simple but not as easy)
If you’re not happy or satisfied with where you current are or with what you’re currently doing or you’re even scared about your future, afraid you may never turn out as happy or successful as others you see then the problem is the state of your soul. 

And the good thing is…I can help you with what. 
Once you’re ready for help. 

Harkheindzel Kenny Omiyale





Everything in life and all of existence can be classified into two general parallel choices, classes, concepts and contrivances. 
Herein lies the simplicity of life and existence. However, shrouded in this simplicity is a complexity like none other. 
Life becomes frustrating when you choose the wrong end of this Twain principle. 
I’ll give you an example:

In science, measurement is made either in space or in time. Impressions are achieved either through light or gravity.
In life, the important things are knowledge and action. And with this set comes a subset of timing and precision.
Even your DNA is locked in two strands.
What am I saying, in life and all of existence, the simplest things are usually in pairs. Finding this pair is one of lives highest journey.

Find your pair.

This is the greatest mystery and highest power any human can wield. 



Many people live in denial. Some of them have denials running so deep that it’s become all they see, believe and accept. 
One way I bring people to know who they really are to a large extent is to make them recall their dream states and activities. I know many people may have not so “fun-full” dreams. Actually, that says so much about the state of their minds.
Some people are always battling in their dreams, some are always running from danger, some are always writing tests or exams they are not sure they will pass, others are always engaging in sexual phases while some do not recollect their dreams. All of these says so much about you than you are willing to accept.
Especially if these dream patterns are repetitious or periodic then you need to take it seriously. Why? Because some of them are telling signs of your mental or even spiritual impediments. 
There’s always a way to get the best out of your life and recreate your dreams into more fulfilling and life changing encounters. 
Do you know that people like Tesla and Einstein made serious breakthrough in history from moments of some of their dreams? How come you can’t have dreams like them?
Well, you can!
The question is…

Harkheindzel Kenny Omiyale


#GiHOS: Global intellectual Hub of Strategists 

Cognition, Perception and Cognitive Neuroscience


Cognition, Perception and Cognitive Neuroscience

have created for ourselves a new world, a world that runs on systems and structures that is run mostly by imagery. Everything you have been told, that you know or that you have imagined to be true is usually incomplete, out of context, deceptive, vague or biased.

That is why we seem to have wars of ideologies and belief systems today. Everyone seems to have a claim that its followers hold obstinately without room for an open mind.

One thing about #TheAnomalies is the ability to sense falsehood or deception encrypted in facts. This is a good skill to horn because our day is filled with so much hypnotic and manipulative content devised just to make ends meet or to make profit or to keep certain influence or political power. But it is time for the truth to be revealed.

Here is the interesting part, everyone of us has been affected by one level of deception or the other and to this end, we might receive a shocking realisation of our nativity and ignorance when we encounter truth. Some of which we may not be ready to take on, while some we are more disposed to embrace but truth remains truth whether you agree with it or not.

From age long tradition that lacked intelligent and observatory prowess to cultures that were devoid of civility and verity to civilisation that were build around political power even to education used to keep the masses slavery.

The session on CPCN will show you basic things that will keep your mind running and asking more questions but it will be undeniable that what you will encounter is true or at least your perception will lead you to know that there are elements of truth in it.

Our goal is to understand politics from its spiritumental scope and perspective. This allows you to see the truth or deception (depending on where you stand) in every fabric of legislation, education and sociological systems that men have created for themselves. As another interesting thing about all these is that IT IS NOT NEW. History is not new because time is not linear, time is cyclic, so that means that for you to know what is to come, you must learn to look backward and inward into history and past events.

Every society and civilisation rises and falls on the strength and dexterity of its political will and power and when you understand this as #TheAnonalies, you begin your assent into influence, power and global relevance…if you know how to listen to instructions.



Dominion Strategy.


Knowing God is good, but…
You must come to the current relation of YHVH (GOD) in your life, day and season before you can become a valiant man in truth and verity. 

I have seen many people who know Elohim (God) live defeated and miserable lives because of this singular factor. 

“Physical light cannot stand a chance against spiritual darkness.”

Life is a war of competencies, virtues, statuses, thrones and territories. Sometimes, it is not what you know that does the job for you, but the capacity and measure of what you know. 

Why couldn’t the disciples cast out an epileptic spirit at some point? It’s not because they haven’t cast demons out before, but they didn’t have the measure required to cast this kind out. 

On this note, 

Ensure you always develop your whole man (SPIRIT, SOUL & BODY) because that is the scope and status we have been called to dominate. 

You can be strong in body yet lose intellectual battles. Why? Because physical strength isn’t the winning edge for intellectual warfare. And in the same way, mental acumen is useless against spiritual strongholds. 

When you face any life issues, first thing is to know what level and status it comes in. 
Is it spiritual, mental or physical?
Once this is known, the next thing is to know if you have the status and measure and capacity to confront and overcome it. 

If not, seek education, partnership or privileges that gives you the winning edge.

Harkheindzel Kenny Omiyale

​Spirit architecture and atmosphere

​Spirit architecture and atmosphere. 

For intercessors or apostles who are used to spirit mapping, one of the common signs to seek out for when sighting a territory is its architecture and atmosphere. 
Just the same way forensic experts and profilers can trance out accurate signatures of people and events, the same applies to spirit sense.
One sign to look for in the atmosphere of any place is the predominant song of the land. Every land has a dominant song. The song is the spirit of the culture of that land. 
In spiritual architecture, what’s the tallest , most obvious or most significant buildings or structures of a place. Directly or not, it has something to do with the architecture of the place. 
So how do you deculturize a place or begin to invade a space?

You change the dominant song of the place. Starting where you are and then erect an architecture that becomes dominant in the place. 
Dont just think physically, this can also be done spiritually. 
Eg. The hausas or fulanis or muslims effectively adopt this strategy in any place they find themselves. 
Who controls the architecture and atmosphere of your territory? Who’s sound or song do you hear often and who’s building is conspicuous. 
As intercessors, we should begin our spiritual building and dominate our space once again. 
Architecture and atmosphere is important!

​Truth about spiritual warfare.

​Truth about spiritual warfare.

As the name suggests, its domain is in the spirit realm. And in spirit realm your enemies Dont die and they can’t be burnt. However, their works can be judged and their altars can be destroyed. 
Legal and legislative actions can be taken. It has nothing to do with people bit with spirits. Even though spirit can influence people, nation and systems buy the war is with the spirits and not the people. 
We must learn how this spiritual warfare is conducted. 

You should also note that these wars van have effects in the mental and physical realms but the source is in the spirit realm. 
Want to know how spirit warfare is being conducted? Check the book of revelations. 

Wars are won with keys, thrones, trumpets, seals, decrees and pronunciations, cups and bowls of wrath, sceptres, songs, signets, strategies, oblation, invocations,  etc. and this is where many Christians are found wanting. 
Wars aren’t won by death in the spirit realms because spirits Dont die! Wars are won when lands are possessed, entities are chained or judged or estates are subdued or enemies are restrained and bound. Where their influence is terminated and they are locked away. 
That’s how you win wars in the spirit. 
Dont confuse spiritual warfare with mental warfare or physical warfares because they can be equally deadly and need pragmatic measures. 
The war in Egypt with noses was a war of gods.

The campaign of Joshua was a war of principalities and territorial powers.
If you Dont know the domain of the war you’re to fight, you may just have lost before the fight begins. 
You need wisdom, strategy and discernment in warfare. 

Emotions and Spiritumentalysis


Emotions aren’t the ingredients for lasting results. 
I’ll choose focused passion over emotion. Look around you, many people are still seeing things from the eye of emotion. This is not bad as it is but it needs to be channeled in the right light else it becomes more hurtful than helpful. 
People have resolutions, new year prophesies, new dreams and visions etc. 
But have you asked yourself, 

How come I was not able to get all I aspired and wanted to do last year?

What am I doing differently this year?
Do you still have the same friends, watch the same program, listen to the same things, have you learnt something new, 
If you can’t really answer these questions then what is the proof that this year will be different?

Because you feel different doesn’t always mean things will be different. By the time the emotional entropy will level up then you’ll see that really nothing has changed. 
So how can you ensure things are changed?

A changed man will always eventually change his environment and outcome. 
Even if your environment is changed by the man hasn’t changed, he will still keep seeing the same things and he will not be able to see the new opportunities..
Opportunities are everywhere but you need fresh eyes to see them. Once a part of your mind changes, your environment will naturally shift to accommodate that change. 
It is not a new year until its a NEW YOU. 

Harkheindzel Kenny Omiyale


Development & Empowerment Strategist.



לשמוע את המפקד של המארח של יהוה

​#TheInfluencers affirmation

​#TheInfluencers affirmation

“I am a STAR!
I am an influencer!
My light will be far reaching and earth covering!
I’m shining in everything I do, everything I say and everything I touch.”

“אני כוכב!
אני להשפיע!
האור שלי יהיה מרחיק לכת וארץ הכיסוי!
אני זורח בכל דבר שאני עושה, כל מה שאני אומר וכל דבר שאני נוגע. ”
“I’m a star!
I affect!
My light will go as far as land cover!
I shines in everything I do, everything I say and everything I touch. “



Honestly, many times I do not feel like training, teaching or mentoring people on #Spiritumentalysis. Why?

1. Because it seems foreign to many people.
2. Some even claimed it sounds occultic. 
3. I’m still learning in many of its codes myself
4. People aren’t interested in it.
So why do I keep troubling people with this “spiritu-something nonsense”?

1. It’s an instruction. 
2. Just like the ark of noah, soon people will appreciate its importance (by that time I hope it won’t be too late)
3. I can’t help it. Everything I see and think has a spiritumental bias to it. Whether it’s the bible or a chat with a friend or an article or video online. 
There’s a lot of change in the world already and I believe spiritumentalysis is an answer to some of them. 
Many of the things I teach are things I’m being taught myself. And how come I don’t repeat past sessions for fresh participants? Because I, myself need to keep up with the teachings and timing of the curriculum. I have however captured some of my trainings in audio or text formats for future reference. 
Do you really think people get the things you teach? 

Yes and No. 

Spiritumentalysis is not like mentalism or psychology that has a logical educational method. It is a spirit and mind model. So No, it may seem many of the things taught are high and foreign but 

Yes, the spirit gets every word and can reproduce it if you remain a student of spiritumentalysis. 

Ok, what is it with you and Hebrew language? Why the show off?
1. English is a very diluted language. It lacks depth and the power of expression.
2. Hebrew comes to me and I understand its pattern of meaning because its a good spiritumental language. However, classes are done in English and any Hebrew or other languages are explained to the class. 

The system-structure influence

The system-structure influence

Years ago, I used to be very bad in relationships with people. I Dont remember peoples phone numbers or names not to talk of their birthdays. Now thanks to Facebook and a calender schedule I remember many more birthdays. It was not until I became intentional about solving this problem that the system and structure to do so appeared. 
Again, I used to be the person who would wish people a happy birthday by just writing “HBD”. Apart from the fact that its mentally unwise, emotionally lazy and simply a comfort zone disease, it doesn’t really help grammar and expression. I took it upon myself to take the pain to write the “Happy Birthday” every time whether I’m feeling good or lazy. Being intentional about it has restructured how I relate and the energy I put into showing honour and gratitude. 
Fact is, nothing good will happen consistently to you until you have a system that makes doing good compulsory for you whether you feel like it or not and you having a structure in place that helps you recognise opportunities to make this happen. 
Dont let life only happen to you, it usually doesn’t end good. Instead, choose to happen to life. Have a plan that’s embodied by systems and structures. 
So much depends on it. 

Harkheindzel Kenny Omiyale

Development & Empowerment Strategist.


לשמוע את המפקד של המארח של יהוה

Your eye is the reason you’re not seeing. 

Your eye is the reason you’re not seeing. 

The reason why we cab see motion pictures is the sane reason we Dont see quasi static changes in pictures. When it comes to personal or routine development, you cannot help yourself. You’ll be needing fresh aid. 
Eg. Buy a white cloth and you’ll not really be able to tell when it starts to fade in a couple of monthes unless you get a fresh white cloth to compere. 
Enter a room and after a while you can’t tell how the room smells until a fresh nose comes into the too..
So before you start making plans for 2018, make sure you’re looking with a fresh sense and not your present default sense. 
I can help with that. 

​Navigating the spiritual realm.

​Navigating the spiritual realm. 

Like we talked about the last time, the spiritual realm is not distance away, its a dimension away. 
Heaven as we know it is a planet, but not a physical planet. But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t coordinates on earth where there is an interface of heaven. Like portals and stargates or heaven’s gate as others will call it. 
There are certain point on the earth that are full of spiritual energy and vibrations where one could bounce between dimensions without knowing. 
Today, I’m not talking about heaven gate, I’ll try to focus on the spiritual realm. 
The spiritual realm is a reality of activities that are beyond what the physical sight can see. Its operations is faster than the speed of light. This is why the way science can open a portal is to try to move a proton or photon faster or near the speed of light. Once this happens, usually a portal is formed and a gate between dimensions is open. 
But the way the spirit dimension is initiated, one that’s initiated by the spirit and not through meditation or science is very sensitive. 
1. Being in the spirit is a position one stands in by faith. 
You see, faith is the locomotive of the spirit realm. Why? Because faith can be a transport mechanism. Its the technology responsible for bringing many things from the spirit plane to the physical plain . 

To navigate the spirit realm, you must be ready to move by faith. 
2. Knowledge is important in the spirit realm. This means you must k ow how communication is done in the spirit realm. The language of the spirit realm is triune. These are the languages YHVH speaks and they are SPIRIT, LIGHT AND LIFE.
These are the ways messages are communicated in the spirit. So if many of the things you get in the spirit realm are too symbolic then it means you need to grow in spirit and in light. 
When you Dont have enough frequent angelic or spiritual encounter then you should grow in spirit and light. 
If you’re having issues dominating the earth and living your purpose on earth then you should grow in light and life. 
The Bible is full of codes that its when you grow in navigation that those doors can be opened to you. 

E.g.The new testament is subdivided into three parts. 

If you want to grow in words of light, then read the synoptic gospels 

If you want to grow in the realms of life then read the epistles.

If you want to grow in spirit realities, then read revelations. 
You should however note that all these three means are interconnected just as the Trinity. So where there is light, there is spirit and life etc. But certain words can choose which means of manifestation. 

The spirit realm is a personal encounter however there are statuses and graces that can be borrowed, delegated or imparted to make the journey faster and smoother.