Emotions and Spiritumentalysis


Emotions aren’t the ingredients for lasting results. 
I’ll choose focused passion over emotion. Look around you, many people are still seeing things from the eye of emotion. This is not bad as it is but it needs to be channeled in the right light else it becomes more hurtful than helpful. 
People have resolutions, new year prophesies, new dreams and visions etc. 
But have you asked yourself, 

How come I was not able to get all I aspired and wanted to do last year?

What am I doing differently this year?
Do you still have the same friends, watch the same program, listen to the same things, have you learnt something new, 
If you can’t really answer these questions then what is the proof that this year will be different?

Because you feel different doesn’t always mean things will be different. By the time the emotional entropy will level up then you’ll see that really nothing has changed. 
So how can you ensure things are changed?

A changed man will always eventually change his environment and outcome. 
Even if your environment is changed by the man hasn’t changed, he will still keep seeing the same things and he will not be able to see the new opportunities..
Opportunities are everywhere but you need fresh eyes to see them. Once a part of your mind changes, your environment will naturally shift to accommodate that change. 
It is not a new year until its a NEW YOU. 

Harkheindzel Kenny Omiyale


Development & Empowerment Strategist.


#GiHOS: http://bit.ly/2fUhYC4

לשמוע את המפקד של המארח של יהוה

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