The system-structure influence

The system-structure influence

Years ago, I used to be very bad in relationships with people. I Dont remember peoples phone numbers or names not to talk of their birthdays. Now thanks to Facebook and a calender schedule I remember many more birthdays. It was not until I became intentional about solving this problem that the system and structure to do so appeared. 
Again, I used to be the person who would wish people a happy birthday by just writing “HBD”. Apart from the fact that its mentally unwise, emotionally lazy and simply a comfort zone disease, it doesn’t really help grammar and expression. I took it upon myself to take the pain to write the “Happy Birthday” every time whether I’m feeling good or lazy. Being intentional about it has restructured how I relate and the energy I put into showing honour and gratitude. 
Fact is, nothing good will happen consistently to you until you have a system that makes doing good compulsory for you whether you feel like it or not and you having a structure in place that helps you recognise opportunities to make this happen. 
Dont let life only happen to you, it usually doesn’t end good. Instead, choose to happen to life. Have a plan that’s embodied by systems and structures. 
So much depends on it. 

Harkheindzel Kenny Omiyale

Development & Empowerment Strategist.


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