Platform prognosis.


Platform prognosis.


I have seen many people come to me requiring a platform without engaging the wisdom of platform prognosis.

The law of life shows that you must first BECOME, then you must DO in the light of your identity then you will HAVE. However, many people want to have without becoming, some wish to have without doing. I guess that only works in fables and fantasies.

Before any platform can be open to you, you must worth the access, honour and opportunity. This is either through your pedigree, results, success or even strategic relationship.

When people go for having things they have not yet become, there’s no way they can sustain the opportunity. Its just as some who fast and pray for jobs not knowing that what will sustain the job is competence and diligence.

How you sustain what lands in your hands is determined by who you are…..not who you want to be or who you think you are.

Whatever you want in life. Pursue growing the capacity to sustain it before rushing to have it.

Wisdom is profitable to direct.


Harkheindzel Kenny Omiyale
The Spiritumentalystâ„¢
Development & Empowerment Strategist.
Bbm: 795B8887 | C0038352E

Unleashing Soteria, Lambano Soteria

Harkheindzel Kenny Omiyale
The Spiritumentalystâ„¢
Development and Empowerment Strategist
t: @Harkheindzel
b: 795B8887

20 captions for the week: #iMentor with Harkheindzel Kenny O.

Few words with applications raise your bar above your peers. Be judicious with today’s #iMentor session.


Those who learn in the morning will always rule those who start in the evening of their lives

. – Harkheindzel Kenny O.

1. There is no altitude for anyone who lacks gratitude.
So change your attitude. #iMentor

2. Enter into YHVH presence with the password
“thank you”. #iMentor

3. The first time you realise how far behind you
have been while idle or passive is the day you
begin to wake up! #iMentor

4. Success rises and falls on leadership. And
leadership rises and falls with God.

5. Choose wisely the words and discussions you will
poke your nose Into, Everything isn’t your
business. #iMentor

6. Life throws you all options. But you have to
choose the one God tells you to – the one you need.

7. Nothing make the work as easy as “strategic”
division of labour. #iMentor

8. The truth is.. Not everything is for you. Find
your passion, your specialty and keep learning
And Horning your skills. #iMentor

9. The very gust of air behind you betrays you.
(Only a few can decipher this.) #iMentor

10. The easiest prey of the devil is a man who
thinks he is wise. – Harkheindzel Kenny O.

11. Even if you take my voice, you cannot stop my
praise. #iMentor

12. The only thing that gives power to an illusion is ignorance. #iMentor

13. The widest door is the door of mercy. #iMentor

14. Knowledge is not a problem with this generation, the problem is the application of knowledge. #iMentor

15. The older you become, the less the significance of age as a number. #iMentor

16. Don’t be afraid when you face a giant, let the spoils you will take motivate your courage. #iMentor

17. Blessing is directly proportional to your capacity. You can’t ask for more when you have less space! #iMentor

18. The concept of love has long been misspelt. Love is proven by sacrifice and responsibility. #iMentor

19. A wise desperation will always amount into a breakthrough. Always! #iMentor

20. Wealth has its process. It can’t be skipped, to get it you have to be involved. #iMentor

Your iMentor,
Harkheindzel Kenny O.

#iMentor: 30 Laws of wisdom.

There is no better way to start a year than on a note of wisdom and gratitude.


So here for your consumption are some quotes of wisdom to start a fresh.

30 Laws of wisdom:

1. Let your distaste be known, but don’t be rebellious.

2. The mind moves long before the feet moves. You prosper first in your mind before it manifests physically.

3. You should have built a well before you start feeling thirsty.

4. You can’t rule a nation if you can’t rule your family.

5. Yahweh will not allow the soul of the righteous to go hungry, but he thrusts away the desire of the wicked.

6. He becomes poor who works with a lazy hand, but the hand of the diligent brings wealth.

7. He who gathers in summer is a wise son, but he who sleeps during the harvest is a son who causes shame.

8. Blessings are on the head of the righteous, but violence covers the mouth of the wicked.

9. The memory of the righteous is blessed, but the name of the wicked will rot.

10. The wise in heart accept commandments, but a chattering fool will fall.

11. He who walks blamelessly walks surely, but he who perverts his ways will be found out.

12. The mouth of the righteous is a spring of life, but violence covers the mouth of the wicked.

13. You can’t be hurt by fire if you are already hot!

14. Wisdom in the hands of a man is more
potent than a gun in the hands of a strong fool.

15. Power comes to those who live in love,
those who search for power only find pride!

16. The test of maturity is responsibility. Why
did you think Adam was told to tend to the

17. Money is the lowest form of prosperity.

18. A perfect time to do anything doesn’t exist!
Take every moment and do your best with it. Now that’s perfection.

19. If you fail to give honour to those who are
ahead of you. You will rot where you are. Life is
lived through honour and gratitude.

20. Disdain wisdom and the knowledge you
think you possess will fade like a smoke.

21. You can only get to your destination if you see your destination in every moment of your present.

22. Learn to trust your spirit. If you listen to people too much, you will end up in their future… Not yours.

23. Instead of worrying over what you don’t have, look around and be grateful for what you do have.

24. The bigger the problem you solve, the greater you become.

25. The best time to plant a tree was ten years ago! The next best time is now!

26. The moment you are angry, you become vulnerable. A moment of anger can destroy years and generations of labour.

27. Honesty is still fashionable, no matter how the world paints it, it’s True beauty cannot to concealed.

28. Many people are poor because they have not created the space to become rich. Make the space and watch your prosperity blossom.

29. You cannot do without choices and decisions in life. Wherever you are or what ever you become… You became by your choice. So don’t be quick to blame others when u fail or to take the credit when you succeed

30. Don’t always wait for time. Even a stopped clock is right twice in a day. Keep working for your glorious future.

Happy new year from all of us at
Harkheindzel: a Son with a message.

Harkheindzel Kenny O.

Preparing for your seasons.

The different seasons are caused by the Earth’s
tilt. Seasons are unavoidable, it’s a principal principle that must be. Learning to manage your life during the seasons will show how successful you will become. Preparing well for these seasons will help make your life better and rid you of frustrations and anxiety.

What separates the happy from the sad is not just money or material possessions. The big difference is in knowledge. The application of this knowledge is what distinguishes you from the rest in good times and the not so good times.

Everything in life revolves as the seasons do. They come in year after year. A year is not always jan1. You should know this by now. A year begins when a certain process or event recalls or repeats in your life. Such events include, seasonal changes, birthdays, or anniversaries etc.


There are distinctively 4 seasonal progressions although sometimes they fuse so much into one another in some places that it becomes difficult to distinguish which is what.

I will explain some things about these periods and how you should manage and recognise them. I will use the already known terminologies and nomenclatures already familiar to you.

The seasons of live can be categorised into;



Spring begins on the 21st of March in the
Northern hemisphere. At the start of spring,

1. the days and nights are about the same length:

There is an undulating crest and trough which can affect many areas of our lives. In business, relationships, attitude. In this time, you will have equal chances of progress and development. In this period of life, you will need to be intentional about making positive efforts that can make you more productive.

2. the temperature increases and there’s usually a
lot of precipitation:

There’s lot of activities and as a result if care is not taken, alot of friction can be generated. Here you need to have a plan and follow it as much as you can. Work with priority and know what will give you more returns in the shortest possible time. You need to be innovative and creative in this season.
There is so much strength and youth! Make the best of this by learning and leveraging on those who have wisdom and experience to make things easier for you. This is usually a time of rain.. In every sense of it.

3. At the end of spring, the
days are longer than the nights:

When you realise that the day period seems longer as much as the energy and activity,don’t think things will go on like this . This is a time to start saving and investing it is a pointer to the fact that spring may be coming to an end and another season is around the corner . Every season comes with its changes, so learn to make good use of your strength and time when a season opens the door for it.

4. Plants start to
grow flowers and fruits and many animals
reproduce in spring:

This is the most productive season. You seem to have all things at your Beck and call. Job seems fine, relationship seems to be going smoothly with less effort. Don’t be deceived, it’s not you been good… It’s the season you are at the time. Learn to manage and invest in your love and life. Learn skills and up your game.



Summer begins on the 21 st of June in the
Northern hemisphere. At the start of summer,

1. The days are longer than the nights:
You will notice that this is similar to the end of spring. This is where the fusion of seasons occur, this is the point where you need to note and discern that the seasons are changing. The duration of these times depend on the season. And people being or living in the same place does not mean they are in the same seasons of life. This is not always the case.

2. The temperature is high and there is usually very
little precipitation:
Learn how to make a productive use of the heat in this phase of life. Just like in nature, this is a time when people go on vacation, wear less of thick clothing. People have learnt to adapt to the seasons, you also need to learn to adapt to these seasons in your family, relationships, career, and everything you are going through. The spirit is alive and active, this is not a time to be lazy, it is a time to work and save and earn and invest. The business minded fellows know this and thus put alot of attention and planning to returns and into profits in this season. You can also learn from this. Even though there is much heat, precipitation is not proportional so there could be some excesses you may need to set aside. Critically make your moves and work with an experienced mind.

3. At the end of summer the days start to get shorter:

the time, strength and stamina begins to abate at this stage of live. You start to notice that your speed and veracity isn’t the way it used to. At this time, you need to move from physical strength to adopt mental strength. Because this is what can pay you.

4. Lots of fruits are ready to eat
in summer:

The deeds of the days of spring begin to pay off. Returns on investments begin to show. It’s harvest time… Only if you planted when you should.



Autumn (or Fall) begins on the 21st of
September in the Northern hemisphere.

1. At the start of autumn, the days and nights are
about the same length:
On switching to mental strength, you realise returns from your works. Your experience and wisdom begins to make things happen for you. This is the age and time to start investing more into people than into structures. Pass what you know over to people… Selective wisdom is important to note at such a time.

2. the temperature
decreases and there’s usually a lot of

Less heat and activity but more results due to the investment into minds and human productivity. You become responsible.

3. At the end of autumn, the days are
shorter than the nights:

Towards the end, the days get shorter and the night gets longer. This is how to know that this season is drawing close to another end. You have more time on your hands though you still have to engage yourself mentally all the time. This is your best asset for this time.

4. Deciduous trees start to lose
their leaves and many animals collect food for
This is the stage where things become to drop! Lose figure, strength and value. The physical begins to degrade as time goes on. This is the point where it becomes obvious that you don’t have much time on your hands anymore. It’s time to give way to inevitability. What will keep you is no more the sparks or vibes (especially in a relationship) but the ethics and principles that have been built and inculcated.



Winter begins on the 21st of December in the
Northern hemisphere.

1. At the start of winter, the
days are shorter than the nights:
it now dawns that you have less time on your hands, everything around you begins to communicate this fact to you. For those who have not made use of their time of strength and activity, they begin to regret.

2. the temperature is low and there’s usually some
Occasionally there are times to make some corrections but in so little time. A slight time of redemption always come along but only to those who are dying to get it at any cost! With little or no entropy, opportunities are not as frequent as they seemed many seasons ago. This could be one of the last opportunities to make the best of your time… If only you can Lambano (lay hold of it!)

3. At the end of winter, the days start to
get longer:

Some never make it out of this season alive… But to those who do. Learn to pass the knowledge to those coming behind you.

4. Deciduous trees lose their leaves in
winter and many animals hibernate:

This however isn’t a time to lose hope especially for those who have made one or more mistakes in the seasons past. This is the time to be right. Think about the future… Your future! And make decisive plans to make something good of it. Not what you can enjoy… But what will create a leverage on your posterity and to those coming after you.

On a final note:
The trend of seasons doesn’t only apply to natural phenomenons. It also applies to our daily life experiences, our relationship, academics, marriage, career…It’s got an all round effect on individuals and corporate bodies alike. So do learn from this wisdom and make your life a story worth passing on to the future.

Plan your life, you cannot leave your destiny to chance ”

– Harkheindzel Kenny O.

May you walk in the faith of the Lord,
Harkheindzel Kenny O.

Choir3 heirarchical disposition answered

“In heirarchical dispositions, choir3 looks up and offers word to count.”

the brief exposition;
when you hear of choir3, then there’s a high chance that there are choir1, 2, and probably 4, the looks up makes the 4 certain, offering word to count is a classical use of language, it’s more of calling for attention in a threating manner, in a way making choir4 feel insecure(well, that’s what choir3 thinks), so in a short word, the exposition of this in one word is HUMILITY. if u need more explanation, let me know.
