The 3 keys to the Spiritumentalysis of planning. (Audio)

LIFE PLAN is that which embodies a LIFE TIME.

If today is the day you choose to want to begin to change things, then you’re already late!
Getting things done takes;

a process of time, 

principles of structuring and

dedication and formulation of a system. 

During coaching sessions, I ask some people what they want to do today and their answers just show how much people live in illusions and fantasies. 
They hope for things to happen today without having done anything meaningful about to before today.
Life doesn’t respond that way!
If you fall into this category of people who think thus way then you’re a ticking time bomb. 

Go find a coach or mentor to help you make sense of a life plan.
Now, today is a national holiday and I’m feeling high spirited so I’m giving this out as keys that can help you find directions and motivation to do the right time with the time we’ve all got left. 
Three keys that can open new vistas to you.
 Do you want to know about these keys? Then check the link to listen and download today’s audio.The 3 keys to the Spiritumentalysis of planning. (Audio) 
Make a better life for yourself.

Harkheindzel Kenny Omiyale


לשמוע את המפקד של המארח של יהוה

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